Customizing Your Layout

PokerAce Hud version
October 25, 2013
  • Using the Layout Manager


    This is where you tell PokerAce Hud how to display your stats. You choose which statistics you want to see and where they should be displayed in relation to the player's seat. You are also able to add formatting elements and conditional coloring.

    Take note of the rows of tabs at the top. There is one section for each poker site that PokerAce Hud supports. Then, for each site, there is a second row of tabs that display the layouts for the various seating arrangements that each site supports.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you open the Layout Manager and it doesn't look like the image above, then your screen resolution is too small. Change your screen resolution to at least 1024x768 in order to see the entire Layout Manager.

    Before getting into what stats are available and what they represent, take a look at some of the customization options you have.

  • Tools
    • Layout Selection


      This is where you choose which layout you will work on. Each site has a variety of different table types you can play on. PokerAce Hud provides layouts for each of these table types. Select the poker site from the left dropdown list, then choose the table type from the right dropdown list. The table shown will represent the table type you selected.

    • Statistic


      This is where you choose which stat to customize. When you click on one of the stat boxes on the table image, the stat it represents is automatically selected in this box.

      To make a stat appear on the window, you click the Visible checkbox. This will make the stat boxes appear on the table. By default, new stats will appear stacked in middle of the table. You will need to click and drag these to a new location on the table. The number next to the short description is the player that this stat belongs to.


      The Show Mine checkbox turns on the "Self Stat" box. These boxes will display your stats for the table, if you are playing. Unlike the stats of your opponents, which default to showing all the hands you have imported for the player, your self stats display stats from only those hands that were played during the current session. The stat boxes for your self stats need to be placed somewhere out of the way, and not next to a player box.

      If you haven't already noticed, the stat that is selected from the dropdown is highlighted by a red box. This allows you to easily spot them on the table image.



    • Formatting


      This is where you can control how the stat is formatted. The Decimals field allows you to set the number of decimal places that will be displayed. Setting this to 1 will cause a stat that's calculated to be "23.456" to be displayed as "23.5".

      The Format field lets you add text to surround the stat value. In this image, you can see that the Format is set to "Avg VP$IP:". What this does is cause the value of "23.5" to be added to the text. So on the table, while you are playing, this stat will display like "Avg VP$IP: 23.5". You can move the place of the stat value by using a tilda (~). If you format a stat using the text "~%", then the value will display like "23.5%".

    • Font Formatting


      This lets you change the font and the text foreground and background colors that are used. Select a different font by clicking the Change button, which will bring up the font selection window. To change the colors, double click on the box next to the appropriate label and choose your new color. If you prefer that there not be a solid, or opaque, background drawn behind the text, you can turn if off by unchecking the Opaque checkbox.

    • Color Ranges


      Color ranges allow you to specify what color the stat should be if the stat value is within a specified range. In the screenshot above, you can see that if the stat has a value between 0 and 15, the font color will be red. If the stat value is between 15 and 25, the font color will be orange, and if the stat value is more than 25, the font color will be green.

      The default layouts that come with PokerAce Hud use color ranges on a few stats. Generally, a table full of green stats is what you want, as that would indicate a lot of the players are playing poorly. Tables that are full of red and orange stats are typically going to be tight and aggressive.

  • Menu Options
    • File menu


      • File > Save

        This saves the changes you have made to the layouts up to this point.

      • File > Export

        This allows you to export the currently active layout to an external file that can be shared with others or reimported at a different time.

      • File > Import

        This allows you to import a *.PAH layout file to replace the currently active layout.

      • File > Close

        Exits from the Layout Manager. If you have unsaved changes, you will be asked if you want your changes saved.

    • Edit Menu


      • Edit > Configure Popup Stats

        This is where you specify which stats are included in the popup stats window.

        Tutorial: Configuring Popup Stats

      • Edit > Global Copy Font

        This takes the font formatting for the currently selected stat and duplicates it to all of the other stats in the current layout.

      • Edit > Global Copy Decimal

        This takes the decimal value for the currently selected stat and duplicates it to all of the other stats in the current layout.

      • Edit > Duplicate Player Seat

        This takes the stat placement for one seat in the current layout and duplicates it to the rest of the seats in the current layout.

        Tutorial: Duplicating Player Seats

      • Edit > Duplicate Layout

        This takes the stat placements and formatting for the current layout and duplicates it to a different layout. You can choose any layout to duplicate to, even if the layout to receive the duplication has a different number of seats than the active layout. PokerAce Hud will translate the positions to the seats for you.

    • Options Menu


      • Options > Grid

        This turns the table grid on and off.

      • Option > Snap to Grid

        If the table grid is turned on, this enables or disables the snap to grid functionality which, when you stop dragging a stat box, will position the top left corner of the stat box to the nearest grid point.

      • Options > Use PokerStars Images-Enabled Table

        PokerStars offers two ways of displaying their tables. One method shows the big circles where players can display a custom icon. The other method shows rectangular boxes with the player's name. This alternates between views.

      • Options > Use PokerRoom Avatar-Enabled Table

        OnGame/PokerRoom offers two ways of displaying their tables. One method shows character avatars and the other method shows only a rectangular box with the player's name. This alternates between views.

      • Options > Use Fill Tilt Avatar-Enabled Table

        Full Tilt allows you to view tables with avatars or without avatars. This option alternates between views.

      • Options > Use Full Tilt Racetrack Table

        Full Tilt also allows you to use their Classic table or their new Racetrack table. This option alternates between these two table types.

  • PokerAce Hud Statistics

    Now that you have a good idea of how to manipulate and configure the stats, it's time to review which stats are available and what they represent.

    PokerAce Hud Statistics

  • Mucked Hands

    You can configure the Mucked Hands at Showdown feature just like any other stat. Simply select "(Misc) Mucked Hands at Showdown" from the dropdown box and you can change the position and select if you want to use the four color deck or not.


  • Combined Stats

    If you prefer to keep a clean, minimal look, PokerAce Hud offers the Combined Stats for you to use. This allows you to display several values in a single stat with their values separated by slashes ("/"). You can choose which stats are displayed and in what order they should appear. Select the "(Player) Combined Stats" from the list and click on the Configure button that appears under the font options to bring up the configuration window.


