Layout Manager - Configuring the Popup Statistics

PokerAce Hud version
October 25, 2013
PokerAce Hud
  • Configuring the Popup Statistics


    This is where you configure which stats display in the popup stats window as well as in what order. The list on the left are those that are available to be displayed in the popup stats. The list on the right displays those stats that are currently set to appear in the popup stats window.

    To move a stat to the popup list, select the stat you want from the left and click on the Add button. This will place it in the right list. From there, you can move the position of the stat by using the Up and Down buttons under the list.

    To move a stat off of the popup list, select the stat you want to remove and click on the Remove button.

    Having too many stats listed in a row can be confusing. There is a way to separate the stats into logical groups that make them easier to find while playing at the table. To add a new separator, click on the Add Separator button. This will create a new separator that you position just like you would a stat.

    If you do not wish the popup stats window to format the various stats using the layout's formatting, then you should uncheck the Use Layout Formatting option. This will use Window's default font and color for displaying the stats.

    One important thing to realize is that the popup configuration is saved per layout. That means if you want to use the same popup in various layouts, it needs to be duplicated. Fortunately, there's an easy way to do that. After making your changes, select the Save to Different Layout button. This will bring up a new window that lets you select which Layouts to save the current one to.

