Converting from Holdem Manager

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
  • Overview

    This guide is going to review how to convert from Holdem Manager to PokerTracker 4.  PT4 aimed to make this process simple to ensure a more seamless transition.  Here we will review converting a Holdem Manager database, HUD suggestions, and statistic differences.

  • Importing A Holdem Manager Database

    To import a Holdem Manager database go to Tools -> Setup Assistant from the main menu.

    Setup assistant for PT4

    From here, scroll down and select Convert Holdem Manager Database.

    configure HEM database

    Select the database(s) you wish to import from the Available Databases section.  You must also make sure that your PostgreSQL settings are correct.  To change them, click the blue Change link.  Lastly, select which PokerTracker 4 database you would like your Holdem Manager database(s) imported into.  Once you've made all of your selections, click OK.    

    Converting HM Databases

    For bigger databases this process can take a considerable amount of time.  Please allow PokerTracker to finish for optimal results. 

    Conversion complete

    If you have any issues at all while converting your Holdem Manager database(s) please contact PokerTracker support so that we can help you get your full database converted correctly.

  • The PokerTracker 4 HUD

    If you are new to PokerTracker 4 and coming from Holdem Manager, you may want to use the Legacy HUD.  You can explore and customize the HUD/popups by going to Hud > Edit Hud Profiles and selecting either the tournament or cash version of Legacy.

    Cash Game Legacy Hud

    While this HUD is great for Holdem Manager converts, we suggest that you also explore the other built-in HUDs, or consider building/customizing your own!

    • Statistical Differences

      There are some naming differences between PokerTracker 4 and Holdem Manager's statistic names.  This section will list some of the important ones that are commonly requested by our users; more will be added here over time as we come across the differences highlighted by PokerTracker 4 users.

      HEM Stat PokerTracker 4 Stat
      Bet In Position Vs Missed CBet Float
      Bet Out of Position Vs Missed CBet Probe
      4Bet Range 4Bet+ Ratio

      Please be aware that PokerTracker 4 does not provide "vs-Hero" statistics, an in-depth explaination of the problems with vs-Hero stats is available in our September 2012 blog post entitled Answering The Question: "does this player alter his play against me?"
