Most of the basic information you need to know about PTO can be found from the PTO menu - Help/Getting Started. Other great sources of information are of course here at the Poker Tracker Forums and other poker forums like:
Note: We highly recommend installing and trying the evaluation version on any Poker Tracker product before purchasing.
Sometimes the Poker Tracker Omaha Access database cannot be successfully repaired using the option for this on the Utilities menu. If you have this problem or if Poker Tracker Support sends you here, follow these instructions.
People have made note of the fact that the sample auto-rating rules are not very useful in PTO. This is because these rules are only meant to be an example of what you can do. The reason for this is that I am not an expert at Omaha, so I would not pretend to give any of you advice on rating other players. That said, if any of you out there develop a great rule set for either Omaha Hi or Hi/Lo and wouldn't mind sharing it with the user community, please export and send it to me. I would very much like to include it as the new sample rules.
O8 sample rules were actually developed by PTO and 2+2 forum user L0QTiS. These are much better than anything I could come up with and may help you better understand how the rules can be set up for Hi/Lo games. I would still like to include a real player's Omaha High rules in PTO though, so please send them if you have them.
The No/Pot-Limit Level Fix... button used to be on the Preferences tab, but I wanted to added other level-related options so it makes more sense to put it with the other utilities. It is now located on the Utilities/Database Maintenance and Options, Misc. tab. The button is now called Change Game Level... and will allow you to change any game level from one to another. This will be useful in the future when poker sites change their hand history formats that often cause incorrect levels to be created. Now you will be able to fix these games without re-importing your hands.
The only files you need to backup are the database files. These files have the extension ".MDB". DO NOT BACKUP PTOREG.MDB though. If you haven't created additional databases, the only files you'll have are PTRACKO.MDB and HHDBO.MDB. Additional databases usually have the names PTRACKO2.MDB, PTRACKO3.MDB unless you have renamed them.
If you want to move Poker Tracker Omaha to a different PC, just backup the database files then run the install program - - on the new PC. Copy the database files over to the new PC and overwrite the files loaded during the install. You will need to send me the new product ID (from the About window) so I can send you a new registration code.
If you have created any custom known hands filters, you will also want to backup/copy the files ptfilter.txt and pthands.txt. These files contain the custom filters so if you copy these you won't have to recreate them on the new pc. All of these files should be in the c:\program files\poker tracker omaha folder if you have used the default settings.
The database files listed above are the Microsoft Access databases. If you are using PostgreSQL databases then you have to backup the database files differently.
To do the backup:
To do the restore:
Yes. On the Misc. Stats tab there is a sub-tab at the top. The default view is High Hands, but you can always click on the Low Hands tab which has data grouped by every possible combination of low hand that you have in your database.
Omaha has a large amount of distinct starting hand possibilities compared to Texas Hold'em. PTO displays these by starting hand rank (e.g. AAK2) and by suit pattern. PTO starting hands are always stored high rank to low rank and are given a suit pattern which will represent the cards that had matching suits. Here are some examples:
Your Hand Suit Pattern
AhAsKsJd xyyz - single suited
JcTc9d8d xxyy - double suited
QsJsTs7h xxxy - 3/1 suited, three of one suit and one of another
AsKs7s2s xxxx - flush, all cards share the same suit
6s5d4c2h xyzr - rainbow, no cards share the same suit