Hi -
I'm having a little trouble recreating this - are you using any custom stats? Had you run 'housekeeping -> update cache' after adding them?
Do you see the same thing using the replayer with the HUD option enabled? Or just at live tables?
Close Pokertracker3 (or reboot) then click "All Programs -> Pokertracker3 -> Pokertracker3 (Logging Enabled)" and use one of the affected HUD layouts so logging can capture what's going on.
Open a support ticket here:
https://www.pokertracker.com/support/newticket.php?cat_id=171Attach to your support ticket:
--> "C:/Program Files/PokerTracker 3/Pokertracker.log"
--> "C:/Program Files/PokerTracker 3/PokertrackerHUD.log"
--> "C:/Program Files/PokerTracker 3/Data/Layouts.pt3"
--> The *newest* 3 or 4 PostgreSQL logs (click on the "Date Modified" column to sort the files by date):
PostgreSQL log filesNote that the Pokertracker logs are right at "C:/Program Files/PokerTracker 3", not the "Logs" folder underneath.
If you need help with attaching to your support ticket you can use this guide:
Attaching filesMike