Moderators: WhiteRider, kraada, Flag_Hippo, morny, Moderators
sgftymkgg wrote:O HANDS/H ???
WhiteRider wrote:GGPoker does not allow the importing of hands or the use of a HUD while playing. You should be able to download your hands afterwards and import them into PokerTracker 4. Downloaded hands can be manually imported into PokerTracker 4 using 'Play Poker -> Get Hands From Disk'.
sgftymkgg wrote:WhiteRider wrote:GGPoker does not allow the importing of hands or the use of a HUD while playing. You should be able to download your hands afterwards and import them into PokerTracker 4. Downloaded hands can be manually imported into PokerTracker 4 using 'Play Poker -> Get Hands From Disk'.
I have solved the problem
sgftymkgg wrote:sgftymkgg wrote:WhiteRider wrote:GGPoker does not allow the importing of hands or the use of a HUD while playing. You should be able to download your hands afterwards and import them into PokerTracker 4. Downloaded hands can be manually imported into PokerTracker 4 using 'Play Poker -> Get Hands From Disk'.
I have solved the problem
I have reinstalled PT4 and I have lost all my custom STATS and REPORTS, how do I get them back?
WhiteRider wrote:Reinstalling PT4 should not affect custom stats and reports - can you explain exactly what you did please? For example, did you manually delete any folders?
If you have deleted the folder where they are stored (%LOCALAPPDATA%\PokerTracker 4\Data) then you would need to restore them from a Backup.
%LOCALAPPDATA%\PokerTracker 4\Data
WhiteRider wrote:For future reference; you should not uninstall PT4 before installing a different version. However, that should not remove any custom stats.
Some Hud data has been updated and reverting to an earlier version will prevent any updated Hud profiles from working, so if you mean you are missing something from your Hud then you will need to restore your Hud data from a Backup.
PT4 does make a backup of your Hud settings before the version update so you should have backup file with a number in the filename called something like:
- Code: Select all
This will be in the folder:
- Code: Select all
%LOCALAPPDATA%\PokerTracker 4\Data
If you have a file like that then follow these steps with PT4 closed:
Rename "Layouts.pt4" to "Layouts.pt4.current"
Copy "Layouts.1028.pt4.backup" (or whatever your latest backup file is called) and rename the copy to "Layouts.pt4".
Run PT4 again and your Hud profiles should be restored.
If this doesn't work, or if this is not the problem then please open a Support Ticket and one of our support technicians will work with you to try to restore your data if possible.
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