My PT4 DB slowed down considerably at some point in the last 48 hours. Hand import and HUD functions seem normal and unaffected. But applying quick filters to the graph page is now incredibly slow to respond and load (similar outcomes with reports, etc).
It's a large, 24GB database. Previously, I'd open the graphs page and apply a quick filter (or a non quick filter), and it would be relatively instantaneous if filtered for today, might take 5 seconds or so to load when filtered for a month, and might take 10-30 seconds to load if filtered for the most recent year (~200k hands). Now it's 10 seconds, 1 minute, and 10+ minutes.
The change seemingly happened overnight. I haven't updated PT4 or changed anything that I'm aware of.
Hardware is the same as it's always been. I have 30GB of free harddrive space. I've tried:
Restarting PT4
Restarting computer
Running PT with no other software or computer demands
Vacuum/analyze function
Full cache rebuild
None seemed to have an effect. I also created a new database and imported only the most recent 12 months of hands (resulting in a 7.5GB DB size), and the problem remains.
What can I try next?