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Comment on Vector HUD

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:03 am
by oracle3001
Maybe this is or isn't suppose to happen. But I was under the assumption that relative placement of panels was suppose to stay the same upon resizing a table.

What I am finding is I maximise a table of a particular site to get the HUD panels perfectly placed, then when I resize it to replicate the dimensions that I usually have a table while playing that the panel positioning is slightly altered and now covers a seat or the play and I then have to make further re-positioning adjustments at this smaller size. Then obviously if I max the table size again, the positioning is out of whack.

I thought the whole point of the "Vector HUD" was that this kind of thing didn't happen.

Have experienced this with stars.

Re: Comment on Vector HUD

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:10 am
by random
Same thing happens with PT4's own hand replayer so dont try to blame Stars for moving seats around when resizing tables. :P

Re: Comment on Vector HUD

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:17 am
by oracle3001
What would be really cool would the addition of the PAHUD type functionality that allowed one to see a representation of a sites table within HUD editor. From which one can set up all the panels (well the always visible ones at least) before ever having sat down at a table. It really allowed one to work out how stats can be best fitted and if any proposed changes will interfere with ones ability to see seats and the play going on.

Re: Comment on Vector HUD

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:22 pm
by WhiteRider
It seems that maximizing a window causes some scaling issues (because the relative dimensions of the window change). If you resize the window to its maximum by dragging the edge/corner you shouldn't see that issue?
The development team are aware of the scaling issue when maximizing.
I think a PAHud style positioning editor may be added at some point, but it is not likely to be in the immediate future - maybe once the initial beta period is over.
