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Filter: Hero faced any flop bet in certain bet size range

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:44 am
by TunaMac
I wanted to see all hands when I faced a flop bet of any type (donk, cbet, float bet, etc) and the bet size was =< 50% of the pot. So I made this filter (Player is Hero) AND (Saw Flop) AND (Sizes Calculated in Percentage of the Pot Facing Flop Bet Flop Bet Between 0.01 and 50.01). After applying it however I see hands facing flop bets bigger than 50%, even pot sized, heads-up and multiway when Hero is to act first after bettor.
What is missing in the above filter configuration? Is PT evaluating bet sizes in some unexpected way?
Please help with your knowledge/experience. Thank you.

Re: Filter: Hero faced any flop bet in certain bet size rang

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:26 pm
by Flag_Hippo
The bet that was made is now a part of the pot so if your opponent makes a pot sized bet ($10 into $10) then from your perspective you are facing a bet that's 50% of the total pot ((10/20) * 100) = 50%.

Re: Filter: Hero faced any flop bet in certain bet size rang

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:59 am
by TunaMac
thank you mate.
