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Notecaddy stats not updating

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:22 pm
by GeneHackman

My hud stats that were created with notecaddy aren't updating live in my session. If I stop importing, close and open pt4, then my hud will update.

Was there a nc update recently that I mindlessly clicked? If so, is it possible to rollback to a previous version?


Re: Notecaddy stats not updating

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:31 pm
by Hilips
Not possible to rollback, and no you didn't click anything. NC auto updates.

Now we just have to wait for the next update...

Re: Notecaddy stats not updating

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:10 am
by GeneHackman
Thanks for the update. ugh :( :(

I ended up having to disable it because it maxes out my processing power.
