PokerAce Hud Statistics

PokerAce Hud version
October 25, 2013
  • Introduction

    PokerAce Hud provides you with over 50 different statistics to display. Here is a list of the stats and an explanation of what they represent.

    Statistics followed by (PAH) indicates that this stat is not directly available in PokerTracker, but is a stat calculated using data that PokerTracker provides.

  • Player Statistics

    (Player) Aggression Frequency Flop    (PAH)

    Percentage of flop actions that are aggressive.

    (Player) Aggression Frequency Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of turn actions that are aggressive.

    (Player) Aggression Frequency River    (PAH)

    Percentage of river actions that are aggressive.

    (Player) Aggression Frequency Total    (PAH)

    Percentage of postflop actions that are aggressive

    (Player) Flop Aggression

    PokerTracker flop aggression.

    (Player) Turn Aggression

    PokerTracker turn aggression.

    (Player) River Aggression

    PokerTracker river aggression.

    (Player) Total Aggression Postflop

    PokerTracker total aggression postflop.

    (Player) Attempted to Steal

    Percentage of time player raises when it's folded to them in the CO, Button, or Small Blind.

    (Player) BB/100 Hands

    Player's BB/100 winrate.

    (Player) Bet Flop    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets the flop when checked to.

    (Player) Bet Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets the turn when checked to.

    (Player) Bet River    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets the river when checked to.

    (Player) Bet Total    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets postflop when checked to.

    (Player) Check Raise Flop    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player check raises flop after checking.

    (Player) Check Raise Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player check raises turn after checking.

    (Player) Check Raise River    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player check raises river after checking.

    (Player) Check Raise Total    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player check raises postflop after checking (different than PT version).

    (Player) Check Raise

    Percentage of time player check raises. (different than above, this is PT version)

    (Player) Cold Call Preflop

    Percentage of hands player cold calls a raise preflop.

    (Player) Continuation Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets the flop when checked to after raising preflop.

    (Player) Continuation Bet Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player bets the turn after raising preflop and betting the flop.

    (Player) Raises Continuation Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player raises when facing a continuation bet from the preflop raiser.

    (Player) Folds Continuation Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds when facing a continuation bet from the preflop raiser.

    (Player) Calls Continuation Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player calls when facing a continuation bet from the preflop raiser.

    (Player) Folded Small Blind to Steal

    Percentage of time player folds small blind when a steal is attempted against them.

    (Player) Folded Big Blind to Steal

    Percentage of time player folds big blind when a steal is attempted against them.

    (Player) Fold To Flop Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds when facing a flop bet.

    (Player) Fold To Turn Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds when facing a turn bet.

    (Player) Fold To River Bet    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds when facing a river bet.

    (Player) Fold To Flop Raise    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds the flop after betting/calling a bet.

    (Player) Fold To Turn Raise    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds the turn after betting/calling a bet.

    (Player) Fold To River Raise    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player folds the river after betting/calling a bet.

    (Player) Icon

    Displays PokerTracker assigned icon.

    (Player) Icon Description

    Displays PokerTracker assigned icon description.

    (Player) Name

    The name of the player.

    (Player) Net $ Won

    The amount of money player has won or lost.

    (Player) Preflop Raise

    Percentage of hands player raises preflop.

    (Player) Raise Flop    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player raises flop when facing a bet.

    (Player) Raise Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player raises turn when facing a bet.

    (Player) Raise River    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player raises river when facing a bet.

    (Player) Raise Total    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player raises postflop when facing a bet.

    (Player) Total Hands

    Total hands imported for player.

    (Player) Voluntarily Put $ In Pot

    Percentage of hands player voluntarily puts money in preflop.

    (Player) Went to Showdown

    Percentage of time player went to showdown when player sees flop.

    (Player) Won at Showdown

    Percentage of time player won at showdown.

    (Player) Won SD When Raise Turn    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player wins at showdown when raises turn.

    (Player) Won SD When Raise River    (PAH)

    Percentage of time player wins at showdown when raises river.

    (Player) Won When Saw Flop

    Percentage of time player wins hand when player sees flop.
  • Table Average Statistics

    (Table Avg) Voluntarily Put $ In Pot

    Average of all players' stat at the table.

    (Table Avg) Preflop Raise

    Average of all players' stat at the table.

    (Table Avg) Went To Showdown

    Average of all players' stat at the table.

    (Table Avg) Won At Showdown

    Average of all players' stat at the table.

    (Table Avg) BB/100 Hands

    Average of all players' stat at the table.

    (Table Avg) Pot Size

    Average of all players' stat at the table.
  • Miscellaneous Statistics

    (Misc) Mucked Hands at Showdown

    Mucked hands at showdown.

    (Misc) Showdown Information

    Hole cards and board of the previous hand.