Global Filters aka "More Filters"

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
  • Overview

    Filters allow you to customize which hands are shown in a given report.  PokerTracker 4's filter system is extremely expansive and allows you to create simple and very complex filters.  This guide will review the basics of filters, creating quick filters, and modifying filters later.

  • Global Filters

    To open the global filter window, go to the View Stats page and click More Filters... along the left.  

    More Filters PT4

    You can run filters for both cash games and tournaments, although the global filter window for these two game types will offer some differences.  The filters are called "global" because the filters will be applied across the entire application, with rare exception such as when a report cannot be filtered as with LeakTracker or when a filter is saved with the report in the My Reports module.  

    • Cash Game Filters

      Cash Game PT4 Filters

      • Game Details:  This allows you to filter for basic game data.  Here you can add filters for things like stakes, sites, game types, and date ranges.
      • Hand Details:  Here you can filter for specific hand information.  Add filters for player's position, win/loss, if the hand went to showdown, pot size, etc.
      • Session Details:  Filter for session data, such as amount won/lost for the table session and table session duration.
      • Hand Values:  Here you can filter for hand values, such as draws, specific hole cards, and even made hand types.
      • Board Texture:  Set filters for data related to the board.  Everything from board connectedness to board pairs and suits are available here.
      • Actions and Opportunities:  This allows you to create filters around possible happenings organized per street.  Set filters for preflop raises, flop calls, river continuation bets, and everything in between.  
    • Tournament Filters

      MTT SNG Filters PT4

      • Game Details:  This allows you to filter for basic game data.  Here you can add filters for things like sites, tournament types, and date ranges.
      • Hand Details:  Here you can filter for specific hand information.  Add filters for player's position, win/loss, if the hand went to showdown, pot size, etc.
      • Hand Values:  Here you can filter for hand values, such as draws, specific hole cards, and even made hand types.
      • Board Texture:  Set filters for data related to the board.  Everything from board connectedness to board pairs and suits are available here.
      • Actions and Opportunities:  This allows you to create filters around possible happenings organized per street.  Set filters for preflop raises, flop calls, river continuation bets, and everything in between.  
  • Creating Filters

    Now that you have an idea where to find various filters, let's actually create one.  To add a filter simply find the filter you wish to add, select it, and then click Add to Filter in the upper right corner.  Say we want to create a simple filter for hands that we won.  We can go to Hand Details and click Win/Loss.  

    Simple hand filter PT4

    This brings up more details about win/loss, where we can toggle Player Won Hand to ON.  Once you've done this, click Add to Filter.

    Add filter PT4

    The next window shows you what the current filter is.  In this case, it is just Player Won Hand.  From this window we can cancel, add more filters, save as a quick filter, clear all filters, and more.  If we wanted to just run our filter with Player Won Hand, just click Save & Apply Filters in the upper right corner.  

    Apply Filters

    This will apply your filter and your data will reflect that.  To see which filters are currently applied, look in the Currently Active section along the left.  In this example, the only filter is the Player Won Hand filter we just applied.

    Applied Filter

    • Combining Filters

      There are plenty of times where we might want to apply multiple filters at the same time.  The best way to explain how to do this is with an example.  Let's say we wanted to create a filter for the times we saw a flop with AA.  To run this filter we would have to filter for our hole cards (AA), and also for the times we saw a flop.  

      Let's first filter for having AA.  Simply go to Hand Values > Hole Cards Range Selection > Holdem Hand Range > AA

      Aces PT4

      From here you have two options.  You can either go to Add to Filter and then go back and add the saw flop filter, or you can just add it now.  For this example, let's just add it now and go to Actions and Opportunities > Actions and Opportunities - Flop > Saw Flop and toggle it to ON.  Now go to Add to Filter.  

      Saw Flop True

      The next window shows the filter as (Hands: AA) AND (Saw Flop), which means we are filtering for the times we had AA and saw the flop.  Here we can apply the filter, add to quick filters, add more filters, etc.  To apply the filter, click Save & Apply Filters.

      save and apply

      • Adding More Filters

        Continuing with the same example as above, let's say that we wanted to add a third element to this filter and filter for the times we had AA, saw a flop, and also make a flop continuation bet.  Since we already have the AA and saw flop filters added, we just need to click Add Filter > button to continue building our filter.

        add more filters

        Now go to Actions and Opportunities > Actions and Opportunities - Flop > Flop Bets > Continuation Bet (which will put a check mark next to continuation bet and automatically toggle Bet Flop to ON) and go to Add to Filter.

        cb flop filter

        We will now see the current filter which looks like this:

        current filter

        This means we are running a filter for the times we had AA and saw a flop and made a continuation bet.  If we are happy with our filter we can Save & Apply Filters, go back and add more, etc.  You can continue adding filters until you are 100% satisfied with your creation using this same methodology.

    • Grouping Filters

      Grouping filters allows you to add a collection of filters together.  In the example above where we filtered for the times we had AA and saw a flop we automatically grouped the filters because we made all of our selections before pushing Add to Filter.  We can also manually group them in the event we add filters by themselves.  For instance, let's add two filters for the times we had KK and 3bet preflop.  We can do this by:

      Hand Values > Hole Cards Range Selection > Holdem Hand Range > KK > Add to Filter

      (Add Filter)

      Actions and Opportunities > Actions and Opportunities - Preflop > Preflop Raises > Any 3bet > Add to Filter

      Now our current filter looks like this:

      grouping PT4 filters

      We notice that the filters aren't grouped, they are just separate filters with an AND modifier (meaning applying this filter would only bring up hands where we had KK and made a preflop 3bet).  To group them, select both (using either a Control+click or Shift+click; or Command+click on Mac) and group them either using the AND or OR modifiers.  

      and or or modifiers

      Let's review what each one does:

      • 'AND' Selected: This uses an AND modifier.  So in this case it would create a filter for the times we had KK and 3bet preflop.  As a default when you add multiple filters PokerTracker 4 uses an AND modifier.
      • 'OR' Selected: This uses an OR modifier.  So in this case it would create a filter for the times we had KK or 3bet preflop.  This is a very different filter than the one we were originally trying to create, so we'd want to veer away from using it in this specific example.

      If we choose the 'AND' Selected we will create our desired filter.  Notice that PokerTracker 4 combines them, puts them on the same line, and uses the AND modifier.  From here you can either Add Filter or Save & Apply Filters.    

      kk and 3bet filter

      • Another Grouping Example

        Let's create a usable filter using grouping with both AND and OR modifiers.  The filter we are going to create is when had either KK or AA and 3bet preflop.  First start by adding all of the filters:

        Hand Values > Hole Cards Range Selection > Holdem Hand Range > KK > Add to Filter

        (Add Filter)

        Hand Values > Hole Cards Range Selection > Holdem Hand Range > AAAdd to Filter

        (Add Filter)

        Actions and Opportunities > Actions and Opportunities - Preflop > Preflop Raises > Any 3bet > Add to Filter

        Now our current filter looks like this:

        More Grouping

        If we tried to save and apply this filter we would get zero data.  This is because we cannot be dealt both AA and KK in the same hand.  So we have to group the AA and KK filters and apply the OR modifier.  We do this by using a shift/click on both the AA and KK filter and clicking 'OR' Selected.  

        Or Selected

        Now your filter will return hands where you had either AA or KK and 3bet preflop.  

        aa or kk

    • Ungrouping Filters

      It is very easy to ungroup filters in PokerTracker 4.  You will see groups on the current/active filters if you create them or add all of your filters at once (rather than selecting a filter, going to Add to Filter, and then adding more).  If you wish to ungroup them, simply select the group, and go to Ungroup.

      Ungroup PT4

      This will ungroup them and make every filter its own line.  From here you can group select filters, add modifiers, save & apply, etc.

      ungroup complex filters

    • Removing Filters

      To remove a filter simply select the one you wish to remove and click the big red X on the same line.  You can do this for either single filters or groups.

      removing pt4 filters

    • NOT Filters

      You are also able to use NOT modifiers in PokerTracker 4.  For this example, let's say we want to run a filter for the times we have any hand but AA/KK and 4bet preflop.  There are multiple ways to run this filter, but let's create it using the NOT modifier.  Start by going to:

      Hand Values > Hole Cards Range Selection > Holdem Hand Range > AA/KK > Add to Filter

      (Add Filter)

      Actions and Opportunities > Actions and Opportunities - Preflop > Preflop Raises > Any 4bet > Add to Filter

      Now our current filter looks like this:

      4bet aa or kk

      To use a NOT modifier select the Hands: AA, KK filter and then click 'NOT' Selected.

      not filter

      Now when you click Save & Apply Filters, PokerTracker 4 will only return hands where you had any hand other than AA/KK and 4bet preflop.  

      Not filter PT4

  • Quick Filters

    Quick Filters are great ways to quickly apply global filters that you have previouslye saved for common usage.  You can see your complete list of Quick Filters by ticking the dropdown menu along the left.

    Quick Filters

    • Saving Quick Filters

      Once you've created a filter, you can save it to your quick filters by clicking Save as Quick Filter in the bottom left corner.

      save as quick filter pt4

      From here PokerTracker 4 will allow you to save it as a new Quick Filter, or overwrite an existing one.  Let's save this filter as A Steal with 22-66 and then push OK.

      saves a quick filter

      Once saved, you will be able to pull up this Quick Filter in the future by going to the Quick Filter drop-down menu and making your selection.

      Using quick filters

    • Editing Quick Filters

      To edit your Quick Filters, just go to Edit Quick Filters in the bottom right corner.

      Edit quick filters

      From here you can scroll through all of your Quick Filters.  By selecting a Quick Filter you can see the actual filters directly below.  You also have a variety of options:

      edit filters window

      • Rename:  This allows you to change the name of the selected Quick Filter.
      • Delete:  This allows you to erase the selected Quick Filter.
      • Load Filters:  This will bring up the selected Quick Filter to the current/active filters and allow you to edit the filter.
      • Close:  This exits the window.

      To edit or modify a Quick Filter, select Load Filters, make your changes, go to Save as Quick Filter, and Overwrite Existing Quick Filter to save it.    
