Custom Reports
- CBet 2 Barrels & Lost the Hand by StevenM Apr. 19, 201214620 downloads
Here is a great Custom Report provided by PT4 Beta tester Puma Perez which includes a saved My Report filter to only show hands played where the HERO lost the hand after CBetting the Turn. The report uses the formatting of a basic hand report, while adding in the position. Please note that according to the definition of a CBet, the Hero must raise pre-flop and CBet the flop in order for there to be an opportunity to CBet the Turn.
- Player Summary Report by StevenM Apr. 19, 201215887 downloadsThis is a copy of the Player Summary report which is available by default in PokerTracker 4 under the Results view, you may use this report to explore how PokerTracker 4s designers create default reports included within PT4. Although it is a very simple report to reproduce using the My Reports tools, to save time we have uploaded an example of a more advanced Player Summary report for you here. The report lists all players in your database that correspond to your filter settings, along with the sites and games where data has been gathered, with basic win rate and stats for each player shown.
- Group By M Zone by kraada Apr. 20, 201210166 downloads
This report groups hands by a player's M Zone. A player's M is calculated by dividing his starting stack size by the amount of chips required to play one round of hands at the table. The M Zones are:
0 <= M < 1 - Dead Zone
1 <= M < 5 - Red Zone
5 <= M < 10 - Orange Zone
10 <= M < 20 - Yellow Zone
20 <= M - Green Zone - Players With Any Notes by kraada Jun. 18, 20128132 downloads
This report shows stats on players with any kind of note on them in the database, whether it is a manually entered note or NoteTracker note.
*NOTE* NoteTracker AutoNotes can only be displayed in the HUD at the table or in a replayer, they cannot be displayed in reports at this time because Auto Notes are specific to a game type.
- HEROs Tournament Report by StevenM Aug. 05, 20127959 downloadsThis is a very helpful report for PT4 users who do not recall all of the screen names for the HEROs in their database. The report just lists all of the HEROs found in the database along with the site where the HERO played, this is done by using an All Players Report grouping with an embedded HERO filter. This is a very convenient tool for people who are coaches, users who play on multiple sites, or for people who provide technical support for PokerTracker 4.
- Tournament Bust Out Hands by StevenM Feb. 27, 20146653 downloadsDisplay a list all hands played where the Active Player "busted out" of the tournament. This includes all final hands, if you want to see only the hands where the Active Player lost you can add a filter for Hand Details > Win/Loss > Player Lost Hand This custom report uses queries created by PokerTracker 4 community member BillGatesIII as discussed in this thread:
- Hero=BB Vilain=SB in unopened pots by StevenM Jun. 26, 20144872 downloadsThe report features a custom expression filter to only show hands where the Active Player (the Hero) is in the big blind, and all other opponents have folded to the small blind. The Small Blind has chosen to play by either completing the Small Blind, or by raising. The report will work at any table size, regardless of the number of players dealt into the hand.
- All-In Equity under 51% by StevenM Jan. 12, 20156042 downloadsThis report displays all hands where the all-in equity was 51% or lower. You can change the range displayed within the report by clicking the Filters text link for the report, select Edit Existing Expression Filters, and then change the between range of the formula expressed in decimal format: cash_hand_player_statistics.val_equity > .001 and cash_hand_player_statistics.val_equity < .51 In this example .001 is the equivalent of 0% all-in equity and .51 is the equivalent of 51% all-in equity.
- Flopped Sets by alonalbert Apr. 15, 200821761 downloads
View the number of sets flopped by pocket pair.
- Hands Report - Game Notes Replacement by alonalbert Apr. 19, 200813314 downloads
This is a very simple report that delivers a Game Notes report for PT3.
- Tournament All-Ins preflop (Call or Raise) - BB Wons by Cabeza2000 May. 18, 200814235 downloads
Player is All-In preflop either by going all-in and all his chips are commited. This do not include calling an opponent All-in.
Please feel free to improve the report. - Winrate confidence by sixhigh May. 23, 200816412 downloads
Calculates standard deviation and confidence intervals.
(The methods used are only approximation, but very close. Obviously results are meaningless without big sample sizes. This report hasn't been tested for very huge databases yet.) - 3-bet Madness by DrKK Aug. 16, 200812246 downloads
Most 3 bet stats preflop/turn/river including some of the deposited stats on Allows you to quickly see details on 3-bet plays of players encountered often at the tables.
e.g. 3-bet flop, fold to c-bet in 3-bet pot. C-bet in 3-betted pots etc.