Advanced HUD User Guide

PokerTracker 3 version 3.10
October 25, 2013
  • Overview

    This Advanced HUD User Guide covers advanced HUD configuration and is intended for users who wish to customize their HUD.

    This guide assumes that you already know how to use and understand the default HUD configuration. For information on default HUD configuration, see the Basic HUD User Guide.

  • Configuring HUD

    To access your HUD configuration options, do the following:

    1. Launch PokerTracker 3.
    2. Navigate to Configure -> Configure HUD. A window titled "Configure HUD Profiles" will appear.

    HUD configuration can also be accessed directly from the table by clicking the PT-icon and choosing Configure Stats.

  • Configuring HUD Profiles

    The HUD is made up of a set of Profiles. Each profile has a name and is either a Cash or Tournament profile, and can only be used on the appropriate type of table. You can have as many different profiles as you like and each profile is configured independently, so can contain different sets of statistics and/or different layouts on the table.

    Tip: You can choose which profile to use on each individual table by clicking the PT-Icon and choosing Change Profile at any time.



    Tip: To change which Profile is used as the default select Change Profile from the PT-icon menu then 'Make active profile default for table type. You can have separate default Profiles for each site and table size combination.


    On the Configure HUD Profiles window you work with one profile at a time, selected from the Profile: dropdown list, top left.


    The Options button allows you to create or delete Profiles, as well as Import and Export to share Profiles with other PT3 users. You can also replace the current Profile with the default.


    The options are:

    • New Profile - Creates a new empty profile. You can name the new profile and choose whether it is a Cash or Tournament profile.
    • Duplicate Profile - Makes a copy of the current profile. You can name the new profile and choose whether it is a Cash or Tournament profile.

    NOTE: If the new profile is of a different type to the one being copied (e.g you duplicate an existing Cash profile into a new Tournament profile) the full layout will be copied across including all statistic names, but any statistics which do not already exist will not be created. So, for example, if you have any custom stats in your cash profile and you duplicate it to a tournament profile you will need to recreate them in the tournament section.

    • Delete Profile - Deletes the current profile. This cannot be undone, so please ensure that you are deleting the correct profile.
    • Import Profile - Creates a new profile from a profile file generated when you or another PT3 user Exported a profile.
    • Export Profile - Writes the current profile to a file which you can share with other PT3 users or keep as a backup. Exported profiles include all Custom Statistics used by the profile, so the exported file is all that is needed for another user to share your HUD layout.
    • Replace Current with Default - Replaces the current Profile with the default, which includes several popup groups with positional stats.
  • Configuring the Group tab

    Each statistic box shown on the HUD is a Group, and you configure these on the Group tab. A Group can contain any number of stats and can be arranged on one or more lines, and optionally aligned in columns. You can have as many different groups as you like, which allows you to separate different elements of the HUD and place them where you like on the table.

    A Group may be shown on the table (for everyone, everyone but hero, hero only, or as table averages) or as a pop up, but all Groups are configured in the same way.


    To manage and configure Groups, click the Group tab, and do the following:

    1. In the Groups box, select a Group under the Groups field or click on the New button to create a new group.


    2. If you click New, a new group will be added with a number on the end depending on how many HUD groups you have, as shown in the screenshot to the right.

    Note: By default, you have one HUD group which will be shown on the table and five popup groups which are shown in tabs when you click the on-table group.

    To delete a group, select a Group in the Groups field and click on the Delete button.


    3. In the Group Options box, the group you created from step 1 should appear. In the Group: field, you can overwrite the name of the group with a name of your choosing.


    4. The Type: field has "Normal" and "Grid" options. This defines whether stats on separate rows will be lined up directly below each other in columns ("Grid") or will all be aligned to the left to form a list on each row ("Normal").


    5. The Separator: field specifies the delimiter which will be inserted between statistics to separate information such as VP$IP/PFR/Hands. This will normally be a single character such as / \ , ~ - , etc., but can also be left blank if you don"t want a separator (such as when using Grid alignment).


    6. Padding: is a numeric value for how much space will be allocated between the delimiters. The higher the value, the further apart the stats will be drawn. Padding also affects the vertical space between rows.


    7. The Show: field specifies which players the group will be displayed for, or whether it is for use as a popup.

    You can select any of the following locations:

    Location Description
    Popup Use Only Group is for popup use only
    Show on Table for Everyone Group will be shown for everyone on the table
    Show on Table for Everyone but Hero Group will be shown for everyone but hero (you)
    Show on Table for Hero Only Group will be shown for the hero (you) only
    Table Averages: Show on Table Group will show table averages on the table


    8. The Popups: section specifies which pop up groups are associated with this group. This option is only available for groups which are shown 'on table' because you tell the on table group which pop up group to show when it is clicked.

    For Popup-type groups (which are set to "Show: Popup use only") this section is disabled because you can't popup another group from a popup. Popup-type groups (which are set to "Show: Popup use only") this section is disabled because you can't popup another group from a popup.


    9. The Background Color: field allows you to choose the background color for the group by double clicking on the color block. This will open the standard color selection window.

    a) You can choose from either the Basic colors or create your own color in the color wheel. The Hue, Sat, Lum, Red, Green, and Blue fields will automatically populate when selecting colors. If you know the exact color values, you may enter them in.

    b) Click on the Add to Custom Colors button to add the color to your custom colors palette.

    c) Click OK.



    10. The Translucency: slider affects how visible or translucent the group will appear on the HUD. This affects both the background and text of the group.

    11. When you have finished setting up your Group, you can select or add another Group, or select the Stats tab to configure the statistics associated with this group - which is discussed in the next section.

    12. Once you have finished, click on the Apply button to save your changes. Click on the Close button if you want to cancel your changes and restore the previous configuration.

    Warning: You must click on the Apply button or your configurations won't take effect.

  • Configuring the Stats tab

    1. Under the Stats tab, select a category in the Category field. This is a filter that will display the statistics germane to the category you select.

    You can select from the following categories as listed in the table:

    Category Description
    Actions Statistics pertaining to actions
    Aggression Statistics pertaining to aggression rates
    All Stats Statistics pertaining to all statistics available
    Bet Type - 3 Bet Statistics pertaining to 3 betting
    Bet Type - 4 Bet Statistics pertaining to 4 betting
    Bet Type - Bet Statistics pertaining to betting in general
    Bet Type - CBet Statistics pertaining to continuation bets
    Bet Type - Raise Statistics pertaining to raises in general
    Bet Type - Steal Statistics pertaining to attempts to steal
    Informational Statistics pertaining to information for player type and tendencies
    Money Statistics pertaining to money including wins
    Passiveness Statistics pertaining to how passive a player is
    Positional Statistics pertaining to positional statistics (under the gun to big blind)
    Results Statistics pertaining to overall results
    Street - Flop Statistics pertaining to action on the flop
    Street - Preflop Statistics pertaining to action preflop
    Street - River Statistics pertaining to action on the river
    Street - Turn Statistics pertaining to action on the turn
    Time Played Statistics pertaining to the time played


    2. To add a statistic to the group double click on it in the list on the left. The statistic will appear in the list of selected statistics immediately below the current selected statistic.

    For descriptions on these statistics, click here.


    3. To add a line break or horizontal line, click on the Special tab and double click on New Line or Horizontal Line.

    New line starts a new row so that subsequent stats will be shown below. A horizontal line will visually separate rows on the HUD.

    The Special tab also has the Note Editor statistic which allows you to add and view player notes directly from the HUD.


    4. If you wish to add plain text label in your group, enter any text you like in the Text field and click on the Add button.



    5. Click on the  and  icons to move the selected statistics up or down the list. The order the stats are listed determines the order that they will appear in your HUD group at the table.


    6. In the Properties tab, you can configure how the selected stat will be displayed.



    a) To change the font used, select the Font field and click on the  button and select the appropriate font styles and sizing in the dialog box. You can also expand the font section by clicking the + icon to the left, and change any property individually.

    If you want to copy your font settings to another stat, select all the text in the font section and press ctrl-c then switch to another stat, select the font section to highlight all the text and press ctrl-v.

    b) To change the foreground or background color of this specific stat, click on the button and select a color. Refer to step 9 in Configuring the Group Tab for detailed information on this.

    c) If you set Transparent Background to True then the background color of the statistic will not be shown and the Group's background color will be shown through.

    d) The Decimals field defines how many decimal places will be shown for numeric stats.

    e) If you set Show Times/Opportunities to True then the statistic will be shown with the number of occurrences and opportunities as well as the percentage. E.g. 20% (2/10)

    f) The Prefix field allows you to enter text which will be shown before the stat value. For example, If you enter "PFR:", your stat would look like this in the HUD: "PFR:25".

    g) The Suffix field allows you to enter text which will be shown after the stat.

    h) The Alignment (Grid Only) field specifies whether the stat (and prefix/suffix text) will be aligned to the left, center or right of the cell if you are using Grid layout for this group. This does not affect "Normal" layout groups because there is no excess space to align within.

    i) Position defines which position the statistic is shown for. You can select from All Positions, Blinds, Early (EP), Middle(MP), Late(LP). If you choose Early (EP), for instance, then statistics will be shown only from hands the player played from early position.


    7. The Color Ranges tab allows you to show the select stat in different colors based on its value.

    For instance: for the VP$IP (voluntarily put money in the pot) you might want to show tight players as red and loose players as green, with the rest as yellow. Let"s say that VP$IP < 20% will be red, 20% - 40% will be yellow, and > 40% will be green.



    a) Click on the a. Click on the Add button to add a color range. A Color Range dialog will pop up.

    To edit a color range click on the Edit button. To delete a color range click on the Delete button.



    b) Enter 0 in the Min field and 20 in the Max field, then double-click the color field, set it to red and click OK, then OK the Color Range dialog box to store the range. Click Add again and enter 20, 40, and set the color to yellow (and OK to save it); then Add again and enter 40, 100, and set the color to green.

    c) If you want to change one of your ranges, click the Edit button and make your required changes, then click OK to save.

    d) If you want to remove one of your ranges, click the Delete button.


    8. Once you have made all the changes you want to for this statistic, you can select another one to configure, or change Groups if you like.


    9. Once you have made all the changes you want, click on the Apply button to save your configurations. Click on the Close button if you wish not to save your configuration and restore previous configurations.

    Warning: You must click on the Apply button or your configurations won't take  effect.


  • Configuring HUD Options

    This is where you configure general HUD options which affect all HUD types.

    You have the following options:


    1. Read from databases: This defines which databases your HUD will gather information from. You can select multiple databases, but only hands from databases selected here will be included in the stats shown on the HUD (and used in TableTracker).

    If you uncheck all of the databases, the HUD will use only those databases which are currently configured to be imported into (on the Auto Import tab).


    2. Performance Options: These are advanced settings and should not be changed unless you have performance problems with the HUD.

    If you have problems with the HUD, enable the "Enhance Hud Performance" option, and try the different levels - these are just technical differences and some work better on certain systems so you will have to experiment. They will remove HUD transparency, but otherwise shouldn"t affect your HUD setup.

    If you change these settings you will need to restart auto import for the new setting to take effect.


    3. Mucked Cards: Enable the Display option if you wish to see mucked cards (hands which went to showdown but weren"t necessarily shown) in your HUD at the end of a hand. These can only be shown when the mucked card information is included in the hand histories, and this varies from site to site.

    If you chose to show mucked cards, configure the following:

    Show for specifies how long the cards will remain on the table, in seconds.

    Translucency determines how solid or clear the cards will be shown; i.e. whether or not you can see through them.


    4. Notes: Adjust the slider to make the Note Editor window more solid or transparent.


    5. Filters: Here you can restrict which hands from your database(s) are used to calculate the HUD stats.

    Minimum Hands Required specifies the number of hands someone must have played before their stats will be displayed. Stats don"t become relevant until you have a few hands on a player so setting this too low will mean the information is less valuable; but setting it too high can mean that stats don"t appear, especially in conjunction with the following filter options.

    Stats From Current Cash Limit Only: Enabling this filter will mean that only hands played at the same limit as the current table will be shown; hands played at higher or lower limits will be ignored. If it is unchecked, all the cash-game hands you have on a player will be used.
    If you have a lot of data on your opponents then checking this will give you a more accurate picture of how they play at this limit, but if not then un-checking it will use a larger sample size.

    Stats From Current Tournament Blind Level Only: Enabling this filter will mean that only hands played with the blinds at the current level will be used for statistics shown at the table. If it is unchecked, all the tournament hands you have on a player will be used. As for cash games, if you don"t have many hands on your opponents, this can restrict the data you have available, and if used in conjunction with a high "Minimum Hands Required" it could mean you never see any stats at all in some fast-paced tournaments.

    Retrieve Session Stats for Tool Tips: This determines whether or not to include "this session only" information in the tool tips which are shown when you mouse-over a stat in the HUD.
    Disabling this option will give slightly improved performance as less information needs to be retrieved from the database.

    Stats from the last X hands: If you set this option to anything other than zero, then only the stats for this number of hands will be shown - based on the most recent hands. If you set it to zero then stats for all hands will be shown.
    Note: This option prevents the cache being used so can lead to slower performance.

    These filters can interact in ways that may not be immediately obvious.
    Please see the HUD Filter Examples below.



    6. Player Ranges: This relates to the number of players currently at the table. People play differently when there are more or less players involved, and the Player Ranges settings allow your stats to reflect this.

    If you have no ranges set, all hands will be used; but if you define one or more ranges then only hands played where there were a certain number of players involved will be used.

    For example; if you set a range Min:2 - Max:2 then if you are playing heads-up, only stats from hands where your opponent was playing heads-up will be used. If you set another range Min:3 - Max:6 and your table has between 3 and 6 players currently active then their stats will reflect all their previous hands where between 3 and 6 players were involved, but not their heads-up or full-ring hands. If you have a third range Min:7 - Max:10 and your table has, say, 7 players then their stats will show only data from tables with 7 or more players. If someone leaves the table to leave 6 players, then it will change to show everyone's stats from hands with between 3 and 6 players.

    To define a range, click on the Add button. This dialog box will pop up:



    In the above example, you would enter 2 in both fields and click OK; then Add another range and enter 3 for Min and 6 for Max; then Add a third range and enter 7 and 10.

    Your ranges must be exclusive - i.e. they cannot overlap, so 2-2; 3-7; 6-10 would not work as you would expect. Any number of players not covered explicitly by a range will show stats from all a player's hands.

    Click on the Edit or Delete buttons to edit or delete player ranges.


    7. Refresh Rates determine how often each player's stats will be updated on the HUD. The more hand information you have on a player, the less each new hand will affect their stats, so the less often you need to have them updated on your HUD. Therefore you should configureseveral ranges with higher numbers of hands updating less often.

    Click on the Add button to add a Refresh Rate. This dialog box will pop up:



    Enter the minimum and maximum number of hands which this range applies to, and how often you want the stats to update (Every X hands). In the above example, if the player's number of hands is between 100 and 200 then their stats will update every 10 hands. Click OK to store the new range.

    To edit or delete a Refresh Rate, select it and click on the Edit or Delete buttons respectively.


    8. Click on the Apply button to save your configurations. Click on the Close button if you wish not to save your configuration and restore previous configurations.

    Warning: You must click on the Apply button or your configurations won't take effect.

    • HUD Filter Examples
      • Minimum Hands Required and Player Ranges



        If a new player "A" joins your table who you have not played before then A's stats will not appear until they have played 5 hands (given the above settings).

        If you are at a full ring table with 7 players (or more) and you play 20 hands against player A then their stats will show 20 hands played.

        If a player leaves so that there are now 6 players at the table this will move the table into another Player Range; now because all the hands that player A has played in your database were from a 7-handed table you don't have any stats on him from the 3-6 player range and his stats will disappear until he has played 5 hands with 6 players active, then his stats will show again starting from 5 hands.

      • Stats From Current Cash Limit Only

        If this option is enabled then only hands from the current cash limit [of the relevant table] will be used to generate the stats. (separate on each table)

        Let's say you have 100 hands on player B from $2 NL and 400 hands on him from $4 NL.

        If you disable this option then whatever table you see player B at, he will be shown with 500 hands and his stats will reflect all 500 hands.

        If you enable this option and see player B at a $2 NL table he will be shown with 100 hands and his stats will reflect only those 100 hands. At a $4 NL table he will be shown with 400 hands.

        With this option enabled; if you see player B at any other tables (different limits or sizes) then his stats won't be shown [initially] because you don't have any hands on him at that type of table. This includes $2/$4 limit tables (if the hands you have on him are NL) and "6 max" tables (if the hands you have on him are from ring tables), as well as any other limits.

      • Stats From Current Tournament Blind Level Only

        In a similar way to the 'Stats from current cash limit only' filter above, the only hands which will be used to generate a player's stats are those he played previously (and which are stored in your database) at the blind limit you are currently playing. (separate on each table)

        Let's say you play a 4-player SNG; each blind level is 10 hands long.
        Your opponents are:
        - player C, who was in the last one of these tournaments you played and got to heads up with you (several levels deep in the tourney).
        - player D, who was also in the last tournament, but went out part way through level 2 (14 hands into the tourney).
        - player E, who you have never seen before.

        You have the 'Stats from current tournament blind level only' option enabled, and 'Minimum Hands Required' set to 5 as above.

        When the first hand is played and imported you will see stats for players C and D (who you played before). Both will show 11 hands because they played 10 in the last tourney and 1 here at the current blind level. You will not see stats for player E until you have played 5 hands ('Minimum Hands Required').

        When the tournament reaches level 2 and you have played the first hand the stats from the hands played at level 1 (in this tournament and the last one) are no longer used; so player C will show with 11 hands (10 from the last tournament and 1 from this). Player D will show 5 hands - 4 from level 2 of the last tournament and 1 from this. Player E's stats won't show because they have less than 5 hands at level 2.

        If all players survive to level 3, only Player C will show stats for the first few hands of the level - the other 2 players' stats won't appear until 5 hands in.

  • Additional Information on HUD

    This Advanced HUD User Guide has gone over manual configuration to customize the HUD to suit your needs. There is basic information on HUD which can be found in the Basic HUD User Guide.

    You may also discuss and share your configurations with our community at the PokerTracker forums and our Repository.